Aurora Space Cluster
Aurora is…
The Aurora Space Cluster is seeking members to be part of Australia’s only national network of space start-ups and SME’s. Join us and help drive the future of this critical industry while also driving the future of your organisation.
A Core Partner of SmartSat CRC
Founded and supported by SmartSat CRC, Aurora enables its members to participate in CRC projects as a collective SmartSat core partner company.
Built for its Members
Wholly owned by not-for-profit SmartSat CRC today, Aurora’s member rules are designed for it to continue in its own right as a member-led organisation, independent of the CRC, and in collaboration with other organisations as it sees fit.
A Collective Voice for Startups
Able to advocate for the needs and concerns of Australia’s rapidly growing space startups who will commercialise leapfrog IP and power the growth of jobs and revenues.
Commercial Opportunities
Aurora seeks to improve access to customers and partners, and – via co-funded opportunities to participate in high-impact projects with the CRC, its partners, and other members – provide a better ‘ladder’ for raising TRL (Tech Readiness Level) and IRL (Investment Readiness Level).
Aurora’s vision is to establish and nurture a collaborative network of space leaders and experts. We aim to deliver real and lasting impact to Australia through a thriving space start-up and SME ecosystem.
Grow Together
The Aurora Space Cluster provides a framework for startups to grow within a collaborative network.
Founded and supported by SmartSat CRC, Aurora aims to create opportunities for its members via participation in SmartSat Research & Development programs and challenges, exposure to SmartSat’s partners and their global networks, and via creative collaboration with other members.
Photo credit: Infinity Avionics